Solutions: Historians

Data Storage

Moore works with a number of OEM's to provide data storage solutions to ensure the solution is structured to suite your requirements.

From small desktop historians through to corporate big data solutions Moore has a system that can be structured to meet your needs.

Turning Data Into Valuable Information

Storing data is only half of the requirement. True data value is found when it is associated with an asset or a process and is placed into context.

The history values of the data are then transformed into information.

Data Storage Options

Data can be stored locally on a computer or server in uncompressed or compressed formats or for larger volumes it can be stored in the cloud.

Data Visualization and Retrieval

Data can be accessed in real time through web portals and dashboards and through spreadsheet plug-ins. 

If the Historian is combined with DIGNOS reports can be automatically generated and scheduled/distributed via email to specific personnel.

That way everyone works off the same set of data and there is one version of the truth in corporate circulation.