Solutions: System Maintenance

Engineering support:

Moore provides flexible support solutions that are tailored to suit your particular site conditions. From on-site full 24/7 engineering support through to remote support via telephone, we can structure a package to help you rapidly obtain access to the expertise you require to keep the plant producing.

Back-office problem solving:

We keep project and site backups at our offices so that when problems occur on site the issue can be replicated rapidly. Fixes are identified quickly, and implemented under supervised control.

Online asset health checks:

Our engineers can diagnose asset health issues for compressors, turbines, pumps, furnaces and boilers, etc. Submit your data files online, and we can run them through our diagnostic systems to give you a full diagnostic report.

Maintenance expenditure optimisation:

Moore implements production downtime tracking systems to trace which plant assets are adversely affecting. Maintenance expenditure can then be focused on assets that are causing production losses, and the cost effectiveness of the repairs can be tracked in detail.

Valve maintenance:

We have developed systems that can monitor your process and determine which valves in your plant require maintenance. This way you can focus your maintenance spend and effort where they have maximum impact.

Safety services:

Moore offers system benchmark and auditing services for companies who take safety seriously, and want to know how they compare to international standards. Reports come with a full set of recommendations on how to improve plant safety. We also provide alarm facilitation workshops and operator evaluations based on process data to highlight areas of improvement.

Control-loop optimisation services:

Loops are typically tuned one at a time. However, optimizing loop performance in isolation does not guarantee optimal plant tuning as a whole. We provide PID monitoring and tuning services to ensure that you squeeze the most production out of your whole plant. Make sure your plant production is maximized in winter and in summer by optimally tuning the plant for these operational states.

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