Solutions: Compressor Controls

Surge protection

Moore has refined and perfected control strategies based on the specific characteristics of each compressor, such that energy wastage is kept to an absolute minimum. In addition to providing adequate protection of the compressor we ensure optimal delivery of the desired process requirements.

Experience has also shown that most of the surges occur during start-up or shutdown of the processing unit or compressor. One of the most common factors is the inconsistency of operator action. By automating these sequences the possibility of surges during an automated start-up or shutdown is dramatically reduced, as the compressor is controlled in a repeatable and optimal manner during each start-up or shutdown event.

Throughput controls

During steady-state operation, the capacity control of the compressor (i.e. discharge pressure) can conflict with the anti-surge control since each attempts to vary the flow through the compressor the opposite direction. Interaction between these controllers can be expected. Therefore the control system must also decouple the capacity control from the anti-surge control to avoid possible instability.

Moore has developed a well-proven compressor control algorithm utilizing tested features to protect a compressor against surges, while simultaneously optimizing the efficiency of the compressor.


Moore provides turnkey solutions for compressor control, including all the instrumentation necessary to provide effective control and protection of compressors.

Existing installations can be retrofitted with instrumentation and controls systems to bring compressor control up to date with the latest technologies and control strategies.

Load-sharing across parallel-connected compressors

Our advanced strategy uses a master controller to control the parallel operation of all connected compressors by protecting compressors individually based on their specific performance parameters, while optimising and maximising performance collectively. Blow-off and gas-recycle are reduced to the absolute minimum to prevent mechanical damage to the compressors.

Financially there are large benefits at stake, as energy consumption is reduced to the minimum required to deliver gas or air to the plant. Payback is typically within 12 months of deployment.

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